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Mowgli Sighted at Arvo

Mowgli Sighted at Arvo

by Keoki Saguibo

3 years ago

Photos by @mikeitophoto


The waters warmth is from the sun gleaming through cloudless blue skies laying to rest on the clear waters which surround. A wave comes in from the depths making itself known, growing in height and girth, the shallower it races towards the shores looking to exchange its power from the ocean. Mowgli engulfs some sea air before heading below the breaking wave which explodes a few feet in front of him. The power of the falling lip hitting the clear water creates a vortice thus revealing an underwater whirlwind, Mowgli is in awe of what he sees. Time slows down with every detail of the moment instilling thoughts and inspiration for his next work of art whether it be painting, film making, printmaking, or design. With nature's beauty in front of him, the intense power follows right behind thus relenting its power onto Mowgli, holding him under violently for a few more seconds longer before slowly breaking the surface for a breath. The intensity resembles the struggle artist go through to "make it" but the beauty and exchange of emotions before the struggle, is worth to be experienced over and over again.  

Chris “Mowgli” Miyashiro from the south shore of Oahu thrives on the living and breathing world for guidance in his art. A recent project with Arvo had Mowgli paint a mural tribute to the diversity of what water brings in our lives on the floor entrance to the boutique cafe. Faced with harsh criticism from the property owner, the mural was removed the next day. The short-lived mural hasn't gone unnoticed and definitely not appreciated. 


LNF: What is the theme of your mural at Arvo?

Chris: The Arvo mural was themed around the little nuances that make life by the sea vibrant. Seasirds, Coconut eyes, the smell of limu, the sparkle in everything that the light hits and our beautiful community. I used motifs of clay cups not only because it was in the front of the cafe but because I value the diversity and creativity that water brings in our lives.

LNF: What is the inspiration of your art?

Chris: A lot of my inspiration comes from music, seabirds, the jungle, and night skating through town. I'm very motivated by the fact that God breathed life into me and that I have a very small window on earth to be wise and creative with my time.

LNF: Could we see any projects like this in the future?

Chris: Yes! I would love to keep creating and working more. The fact that Kamehameha Schools said my mural wasn’t good enough and sanded it off the next day has given me humility and the time to re-evaluate why I make art and the stories I want to tell. I seek to always strive toward ohana regardless of what authority thinks.


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